Warsaw, Poland
Experienced Software Engineer specializing in backend development using Python and TypeScript,
with practical experience in real-time video and audio communication through WebRTC,
and frontend development with React and Redux.
Skilled in creating C++ and Rust bindings for Python.
as a Software Engineer of Open Source projects
(Apr 2023 – Present)
- Enhanced code coverage with tests from 43% to 61%.
- Achieved a notable 12% speed improvement when handling local files.
- Enhanced Cycode CLI
installation process for customers by distributing through package managers
and packaging binary files.
Published a range of product integration plugins from scratch for IDEs, including
IntelliJ IDEA,
Visual Studio,
and VS Code.
Abelana VR
as a Software Engineer
(Mar 2020 – Apr 2023)
- Developed the platform-independent BlueJeans SDK in pure WebRTC with
the support of all Video Conferencing features.
- Controlled and implemented integration with Verizon Innovative
Learning platform and USA schools.
Architected and executed a complex and multipart project for
Mobile Device Management
of All-in-One VR Headsets.
Iridescent Studio
as a Backend developer
(Mar 2020 – Apr 2023)
- Designed the database architecture for making fast aggregate calculations in Firestore (NoSQL) database.
- Made the backend part in a full-Firebase stack using Firebase Cloud Function, Firebase Authentication, and
Firebase Hosting.
- Integrated team-oriented tools: Bitbucket to Firebase Storage exporter, small bots in Slack, terminal-based
Sudoku viewer and solver, Sudoku levels generator with modified game rules.
Innowise Group
as a Full-stack developer
(Aug 2019 – Mar 2020)
- Implemented Jaccard index and frontend for a system that effectively combines individuals into optimal teams
based on input parameters such as hard and soft skills, requirements, and preferences,
recommending the best team for a project.
Blazingly fast and highly optimized library for decoding and encoding DAG-CBOR and other IPLD data structures.
Automatically generated from API specifications, type annotated, documented, supporting both sync and async operations.
Extension binding for WebRTC M92 that adheres to the W3C specification with some modifications
and additions to enhance compatibility with Python applications,
featuring useful APIs for programmatic audio and video control.
Library for personal and group audio/video calls and broadcasting recordings in Telegram.
High-level interfaces for the reverse-engineered Yandex.Music API,
complete with documentation, examples, and tests.
Python, JavaScript/TypeScript
Kotlin, C++, Rust, C#
Django, Django Rest Framework, Django Channels, React
Flask, FastAPI, Express.js, Redux
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firestore
WebRTC, Docker, CI/CD, Electron, IDE SDKs